Intercept® T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent,T20 (TBS) 无蛋白抗体稀释剂

2022年3月23日 作者 jinpanbio

Reagents > Intercept® T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent

Intercept® T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent

Intercept T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent improves the specificity of the primary and secondary antibodies, reducing off-target effects. The diluent contains Intercept (TBS) Protein-Free Blocking Buffer in Tris-buffered saline (TBS) preformulated with Tween® 20. This diluent can be used where animal-based products are prohibited.

Since there’s no need to mix the diluent yourself, it saves you time and reduces potential variation.

Intercept T20 (TBS) 无蛋白抗体稀释剂可提高一抗和二抗的特异性,减少脱靶效应。 稀释剂含有在 Tris 缓冲盐水 (TBS) 中预先配制有 Tween® 20 的 Intercept (TBS) 无蛋白封闭缓冲液。这种稀释剂可用于禁止使用动物产品的地方。



Intercept T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent contains a 0.05% concentration of Tween 20. It contains no sodium azide and is stored at 4 °C.

Intercept T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent 含有浓度为 0.05% 的 Tween 20。它不含叠氮化钠,并在 4 °C 下储存。

Shake well before each use.

Intercept T20 (TBS) Protein-Free Antibody Diluent can be used for many immunoassays and applications, including:

  • Quantitative Western Blot
  • Chemiluminescent Western Blots
  • In-Cell Western™ Assay
  • In-Gel Western
  • Protein Array
  • Glycoprotein Detection
  • 定量蛋白质印迹
    In-Cell Western™ 检测