STARLIGHT™ 校准载玻片-StarLight™ Calibration Slides

Our StarLight™ Calibration Slides feature vibrant ~6µm fluorescent microspheres dyed with a single fluorophore for basic imaging checks and calibration for fluorescence microscopes. Our four standard versions are appropriate for use with common microscope filter sets: Glacial Blue (360, 450), Dragon Green (480, 520), Envy Green (525, 565), and Flash Red (660, 690). The calibration slides are available individually or as the full 4-slide collection. See fluorophore spectra here.

我们的 StarLight™ 校准载玻片具有充满活力的 ~6µm 荧光微球,用单个荧光团染色,用于荧光显微镜的基本成像检查和校准。我们的四个标准版本适用于常见的显微镜滤光片组:冰川蓝(360、450)、龙绿(480、520)、嫉妒绿(525、565)和闪光红(660、690)。校准载玻片可单独使用或作为完整的 4 载玻片系列提供。请参阅此处的荧光团光谱。

Catalog Number Description
SL1GB StarLight™ Calibration Slide – Glacial Blue
SL1DG StarLight™ Calibration Slide – Dragon Green
SL1EG StarLight™ Calibration Slide – Envy Green
SL1FR StarLight™ Calibration Slide – Flash Red
SL04K StarLight™ Collection – Slide 4 -Pack


Mizutani, Y, Shibuya, K, Iwata, T, Takaya, Y (2015) Fluorescence microscope by using computational ghost imaging. MATEC Conf. 32, 05001 (Envy Green StarLight Calibration Slide)