用于 CellVue® 荧光细胞标记试剂盒的稀释剂 C,稀释 CellVue NIR815,CellVue Burgundy 染料

2022年3月22日 作者 jinpanbio

Reagents > Diluent C for Use with CellVue® Fluorescent Cell Labeling Kits

Diluent C for Use with CellVue® Fluorescent Cell Labeling Kits

Diluent C is the labeling buffer required for the dilution of the CellVue NIR815 and CellVue Burgundy dyes. It is an iso-osmotic aqueous solution which contains no physiologic salts or buffers, detergents, or organic solvents and is designed to maintain cell viability while maximizing dye solubility and staining efficiency.

CellVue is a registered trademark of PTI Research, Inc., used under license. Diluent C is sold under license from PTI Research, Inc. US Patents # 8,029,767B2; 7,462,347.

稀释剂 C 是稀释 CellVue NIR815 和 CellVue Burgundy 染料所需的标记缓冲液。 它是一种等渗水溶液,不含生理盐或缓冲液、去污剂或有机溶剂,旨在保持细胞活力,同时最大限度地提高染料溶解度和染色效率。

CellVue 是 PTI Research, Inc. 的注册商标,经许可使用。 稀释剂 C 在 PTI Research, Inc. 美国专利 # 8,029,767B2 的许可下出售; 7,462,347。