Dojindo,诺尔3/10/N390,NORs 是理想的 NO 供体

2022年4月28日 作者 jinpanbio

Product Description of NOR Compounds

NORs 是理想的 NO 供体,其化学结构与其他 NO 供体完全不同。尽管 NOR 没有任何 ONO2 或 ONO 部分,但它们会以稳定的速率自发释放 NO。尽管 NOR 的 NO 释放机制尚未完全确定,但已证实其副产物不具有任何显着的生物活性。据报道,从 Streptomyces genseosporeus 中分离出的 NOR 3 对大鼠和兔主动脉和狗冠状动脉具有强烈的血管舒张作用。其活性(ED50=1 nM)是硝酸异山梨酯(ISDN)的300倍。 NOR 3 也增加血浆循环 GMP 水平,而 ISDN 没有。 NOR 是血小板聚集和血栓形成的有效抑制剂。 NOR 3 (IC50=0-7 mM) 有效抑制 100% ADP 引发的人血小板聚集,而 ISDN 仅抑制总聚集的 32%,即使在 100 mM 浓度下也是如此。据报道,NOR 3 在缺血/再灌注系统中具有抗心绞痛和心脏保护作用。在大鼠乙酰甲胆碱诱导的冠状血管痉挛模型中,NOR 3 在 1 mg/kg 时剂量依赖性地显着抑制 ST 段的升高。另一方面,ISDN 将其显着抑制为每公斤 3.2 毫克。 NOR试剂的NO释放率的差异甚至反映在体内降血压作用上。 NOR 也可以在 0.5% 甲基纤维素悬浮液中口服使用。 NOR在DMSO溶液中相对稳定。 NOR 1 具有最短的半衰期,是一种很有前途的试剂,可用于制备用于校准的 NO 标准溶液。为了制备标准溶液,将精确稀释的 NOR 1/DMSO 溶液添加到缓冲溶液中。

Nitric Oxide Release1. Prepare 10 mM NOR stock solution using DMSO. Since the NOR stock solution is not stable, keep it on an ice bath and use it in one day.2. Add an appropriate volume of the NOR stock solution to the sample solution in which NO is to be released. In order to avoid possible damage to cells by DMSO, the volume of the NOR stock solution should not exceed 1/50 of the sample volume. The sample solution should have sufficient buffering action. NO will be released immediately after the addition of the NOR stock solution.
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How do I prepare a stock solution?

Prepare 10-50 mM NOR solution with DMSO. The DMSO should be dried. Then add enough NOR solution to the cell culture to obtain a suitable concentration of NOR.

What is the solubility of NOR compounds?

NOR 1: 100 mg per 100 ml DMSO (4.3 M)NOR 3: 137 mg per 100 ml DMSO (6.4 M)NOR 4: 30 mg per 100 ml DMSO (1.0 M)NOR 5: 30 mg per 100 ml DMSO (0.9 M)

Is oral administration possible?

Yes. Please review the article by Kita and colleagues (Eur. J. Pharmacol., 257, 123-130, 1994).

How many NO molecules does each NOR molecule release in physiological conditions? What are the byproducts?

On average, each NOR molecule releases from 1 to 1.5 NO molecules in physiological conditions. Unfortunately, the structure of NOR byproducts remains unclear. However, the NOR byproducts have no cytotoxicity at the normal concentration for NO release experiments.

细胞活力和细胞毒性测定用于药物筛选和化学物质的细胞毒性测试。Dojindo开发了高度水溶性的四唑盐,称为WST。WST-8是高度稳定的WST,用于Cell Counting Kit-8(CCK-8)。由于WST-8甲maz是水溶性的,因此不会形成晶体。因此,不需要诸如MTT测定的增溶过程。此外,CCK-8的检测灵敏度高于其他四唑盐,例如MTT,XTT,MTS或WST-1。